Chris L. Davis
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Avvo claim by social


Increase the profile claim rate by simplifying the process for lawyers/doctors.

In order to claim their profile, professionals needed to verify their identities. We had three methods in place for verification (credit card, phone, email), which was creating a barrier. Our hypothesis was that we could increase claims by offering a social media avenue via Facebook or LinkedIn.

My Role

Facilitate design iterations.

The collaborative effort between the lead developer, PM and myself was essential. We sketched in a small conference room and focused on what we wanted to say rather then the visual. From there we established language that identified the amount of time it would take to claim by social vs. our other methods. I did a quick mock-up and the lead developer started to build.


Significant increase in the claim rate.

We saw a large reduction in users claiming via credit card, email and phone and an increase in the social methods. We also saw an increase in the conversion rate on the other claim methods (mainly credit card) because users were there by choice and not forced.

Next: Widgets